Evaluate Expression to Column
Evaluate Expression is not a spreadsheet formula function, and does not use the syntax of monday.com formulas. It is meant for mathematical expressions.
Evaluates a MathJS expression and stores the result in the selected column.
To evaluate expressions on subitems use the special
automation template for subitem expressions
- + (addition) - 2 + 2 = 4
- - (subtraction) - 5 - 3 = 2
- * (multiplication) - 2 * 3 = 6
- / (division) - 6 / 2 = 3
- ! (factorial) - 5! = 120
- ^ (exponent) - 2^2 = 4
- % (modulus) - 5 % 3 = 2
- mean(a, b, ...) - calculates the mean (average) of the values.
- abs(x) - absolute value of x
- ceil(x, [n]) - round x toward plus infinity, with n (optional) decimal precision
- fix(x, [n]) - round x toward 0, with n (optional) decimal precision
- floor(x, [n]) - round x toward minus infinity, with n (optional) decimal precision
- lcm(a, b, ...) - least common multiple of a set of at least two values
- max(a, b, ...) - the maximum value of a set of at least two values
- min(a, b, ...) - the minimum value of a set of at least two values
- round(x, [n]) - rounds x toward nearest integer
- sign(x) - returns 1 for positive numbers, -1 for negative numbers and 0 for 0.
- sqrt(x) - square root of x
- add(a, b, ...) - sum a list of numbers
- gcd(a, b, ...) - greatest common denominator of a set of numbers.
- size([x])[1] - size of array of numbers in value x (used to get the count of values in a mirror of numbers column)
Mirror Columns
Mirrors of number columns are supported, however you must first if multiple items are connected use add(x) (sum), size([x])[1] (count), max(x), min(x), mean(x) (average) to get the value shown in the mirror column. However you could also use the mirror value in any function that accepts a set of numbers, such as lcm or gcd.
The monday.com API returns a list of numbers separated by commas for mirrors of numbers columns, rather than convert this list to what is shown on the board we left it up to you - just in case you want to do something different than what the board does with it.
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